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California in 100 years

Project type

Architecture/Futuristic Imagination


Dec 2023




Rhino, Illustrator, Photoshop

The year was 2123, and California had undergone a radical transformation in response to the environmental crises of the 21st century. The once congested highways and smog-filled skies were replaced by a lighting train and countless air filtration towers.
In an effort to combat air pollution, stringent regulations were enacted to limit individual driving. Personal vehicles could only be permitted on the streets based on the assigned plate license. The major transportation people relied on was the new lighting rail system that seamlessly connected cities and suburbs. These high-speed electric trains glided above the landscape on elevated tracks, reusing abandoned and less-used freeways, reducing congestion and emissions. Some abandoned freeways were even turned into farmer’s markets.
Initially, people resisted the change in transportation methods. However, after years of perfecting train schedules and learning about the health benefits, people began to enjoy taking train rides. Without the struggle of needing a car to survive in California, more people started to relocate to the state. However, housing became a new issue.
In the year 2070, California decided to promote multi-story family living. Instead of hundreds of single-family homes scattered in tight neighborhoods, taking up more land than necessary, city planning focused on building multi-story family houses. By adding multiple levels to existing housing, more families could afford homes without sacrificing family life standards. These houses provided more safety and privacy than apartment buildings while saving extra space for city planning and green areas.
California even implemented a package line system at famous tourist locations, enhancing tourists' lives. They could use the luggage line to quickly transport their equipment to the destination, securely stored for retrieval. Some locals also used this system when moving.
The skyline had evolved into eco-friendly architecture. Towering skyscrapers were adorned with lush greenery and air-filtering facades, acting as natural air purifiers. Solar panels and wind turbines adorned the tops of buildings, harnessing renewable energy to power the city. Additionally, biking power stations were located in every neighborhood and park, allowing people to generate more power while exercising. Young adults were often seen in these locations, bike-powering portable batteries for their homes.
The streets were no longer dominated by cars but by pedestrians and cyclists. Wide, tree-lined boulevards encouraged outdoor activities, promoting a healthier lifestyle for residents. Electric scooters and bicycles zipped through dedicated lanes, making short-distance travel efficient and emission-free.
City planners implemented innovative solutions to combat smog. Massive air purification towers stood at strategic locations, filtering pollutants from the air and releasing clean, fresh oxygen. These towers became iconic symbols of the city's commitment to environmental sustainability. For added fun, citizens even voted on how these towers should be dressed up for Halloween and Christmas.
Green spaces were integrated into every neighborhood, providing not only recreational areas but also serving as carbon sinks. Parks were designed with futuristic, sustainable materials that absorbed carbon dioxide and emitted oxygen, contributing to the overall improvement of air quality.
Advanced technology played a crucial role in monitoring and maintaining the environment. Drones patrolled the skies, constantly analyzing air quality and identifying potential sources of pollution. Billboards served another function too, monitoring air quality and changing colors to signal heavy pollution—shining yellow to remind people to wear masks and turning red, prohibiting anyone from going outside until conditions improved.
Due to the high number of children born with lung issues, breathing pods were built and spread across neighborhoods. These pods circulated air and served as quick stop-by safety pods for people with breathing issues to hide temporarily.

As the years passed, California continued to thrive in its commitment to environmental sustainability. The once-radical changes had become an integral part of everyday life, embraced by the residents as they experienced the tangible benefits of a greener and healthier living environment.
The commitment to eco-friendly architecture and innovative solutions paid off, resulting in a remarkable reduction in pollution levels and an improvement in overall air quality. The iconic air purification towers continued to stand tall, not just as functional structures but as symbols of a community united in preserving the planet for future generations.
The multi-story family houses, designed for affordability and sustainability, fostered a sense of community and shared responsibility. Neighbors became more interconnected, participating in local initiatives to further enhance their eco-friendly lifestyle. The package line system, once a convenience for tourists, evolved into a seamless and efficient method for transporting goods, reducing traffic congestion even further.
California's dedication to outdoor spaces and recreational areas transformed the state into a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. The tree-lined boulevards, electric scooters, and dedicated bike lanes created a vibrant and active atmosphere. The younger generation, raised in this eco-conscious environment, continued to innovate and contribute to the ongoing sustainability efforts.
The breathing pods, initially a necessity for those with respiratory issues, became a symbol of the state's proactive approach to healthcare and well-being. With continued advancements in medical technology, the number of children born with respiratory problems gradually declined, marking a significant improvement in public health.
As the sun set on another day in the transformed California, residents looked back with pride at the progress they had made. The state had become a global model for sustainable living, inspiring other regions to follow suit. With a renewed sense of hope and optimism, California stood as a testament to what could be achieved when a community rallied together for the greater good of the planet.

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